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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Informacion sobre beneficiario agregado

Estimado Cliente:

Le informamos que de acuerdo a su solicitud, hemos adicionado a su listado de beneficiarios en Internet Banking Popular , la cuenta 734314529, que pertenece a SR RAFAEL HERNANDEZ FILPO.

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Nos despedimos reiterandonos a su disposicion para aclarar cualquier duda, Servicio al Cliente Div. Canales Electronicos.

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About Border Health Mission to DR/Haiti

My photo
Manzanillo, Montecrisit, Haiti-Dominican Border, Dominican Republic
The Foundation “Health for All” is pleased to launch the 1st Border Health Mission (BHM) to the Dominican Republic. Established by local concerned health professionals in 1990, FUNTOSALUD (from its Spanish acronyms) is a humanitarian healthcare and aid provider in bateyes and the border town of Manzanillo, Montecristi province, in the Dominican Republic. Our foundation is cognizant of the multidisciplinary/multilingual team approach required for any successful mission, specifically a Border Health Mission (BHM), looking to socially impact the lives of the most economically disadvantaged community members. After 30 years working along the Haitian-Dominican border, we are convinced that this unique multi-disciplinary/cross-cultural approach is the most efficient modus operandi to improve the health of those who reside at the border and within the bateyes.